Massage Therapy Practice Marketing Tips

Starting a new Massage Therapy practice requires a lot of new skills. Marketing in some massage colleges are a secondary focus. You may want to focus on it next. The truth is, without clients you won’t have a very successful business.

Here are some tips and tools that will help you get started with your new practice or help if you have moved your practice to a new town or location.


Find a location in an existing clinic or with synergistic practitioners:
Other complimentary health practice.

This may give you access to an existing client base and speed up the growth of your business.
This helps reduce the cost of marketing, builds trust, and doubles your marketing efforts.

Prefer not to occupy an office/clinic with other practitioners? Look for a high traffic location and place a sandwich board.
“20 minute chair massage for first time clients – Free”
During lunch hour.
People working near by will come in. Once they try your service, it’s easy to book follow-up appointments then.
Sandwich boards are great to advertise gift certificates! Think Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Christmas or Hanukkah.

Move into an existing clinic with a Physiotherapist, Naturopath, Chiropractor, TCM or other synergistic health care practitioner


Get some business cards made, a couple great places to start are, you can purchase 250 cards for $29.99 USD that includes free shipping and delivery is usually about 4 days. I have personally used Print100 for over 5 years and am happy with their product. VistaPrint is another popular option, you can buy 250 cards for $18.00 USD

If you need help with design go to Fiverr, there you can hire someone for $5.00 to design business cards for you and create them at the right size to be printed and Print 100, VistaPrint or your local printer.

Business Cards for massage therapist clinic are available at VistaPrint and Print100


Blog articles and content is a strong factor ranking with Google and the other search engines. Read this article on SERP (Search Engine Results Pages)

You can check to see if your website is Mobile Friendly here: Google Mobile Test

small business marketing tips for massage therapist clinics


Connect with potential customers on Search, Maps or Google+, all completely free. You can use it to help you build a loyal fan base.
Encourage your customers to show their appreciation with ratings and reviews, use the +1 button to endorse your content, and re-share your Google+ posts across the web.

Visit Google MyBusiness

marketing through Google My Business listings gives you marketing throughGoogle Maps, Search, Mobile and Web


Connect with your local lunch spot or cafe and offer a free massage to employees and the owners!
Tell them you are a new business! Ask if you can exchange some business cards.
Offering to promote their business to your clients is a great way to support your new community.

Promote your massage therapist business at your local cafe or lunch spot


Go to local businesses and offer a special discounted price for the first appointment for all their employees.
Employees who experience your services might be able to post a flyer in their lunch room or coffee room.
You can get flyers designed for a cheap price at Fiverr
Get them printed locally or at somewhere like Print 100 for very cheap with free shipping.

grow your massage therapist business by offering specials to local businesses


Identify local fundraisers and donate gift certificates to reach new clients. You can get Gift Certificates and physical Gift Cards at TheGiftCardCafe you can also promote gift cards at your business, tell your clients it’s the ideal gift for friends and relatives for holiday seasons, valentines, birthdays etc.

Visit TheGiftCardCafe

Physical Gift Cards and Gift Certificates are the ideal gift for friends and relatives from thegiftcardcafe


Click4Time’s unique Referral Builder system was originally designed for one of our clients who was operating a mobile massage therapy business and had hotel concierges referring guests to his service, each concierge was rewarded with a commission (the commission is an option function of the system). The system is ideal for getting referrals from synergistic businesses like:
Naturopthic Doctors,
TCM, Practitioners and more,
The system lets the referral business view your availability and book their client into your schedule.

We can help you automate your business so you have more time.